I feel this is an important characteristic in a community manager.
The vote is in, Deej is a girly-man
By popular demand, Deej has been challenged to grow a beard
Necrobump Relevant though
Make a new post Petition: deej should grow a beard The answer is yes right -blam!-ing now
His skin is purple, of course he can't grow a beard. The real question is how many grapes do you think he could fit and hold under each of his man titties while standing? My guess is three of those big green bastards under each tit.
Does not matter, you do not need a beard to be a man and no this game does not need beards for the toons either...
Damn, you guys are asses. It's not his fault the game is less than what it should be! He's just the community manager, and even though it's the coder's fault, this is a huge game with millions of players. Always online too. They can't code at lightning speed.
In my honest opinion people just like to give DeeJ a hard time because they're jealous that his job is talking to people about a video game.
Its not in the life code.
Beards confirmed, Exo race only.
Can't even grow some balls. Fk a beard
I pretty much love all your posts clutch.
The more people complain and the less he communicates, the longer it grows from the sadness of the community.
This isn't somehow connected with Almir, is it? No one can grow a beard like him.
What is this "Community Manager" you speak of? I believe his actual title is Pegboy.
Deej is a giant snatch
I'm sure he can, but if he grew one the devs would probably force corporate to fire him because "it's not how bungie intended deej to look"
No he won't because bungie won't let him :( I want beards.
the bible says he cant
Females do not produce enough facial hair to grow beards. His vagina though, I'm sure has a gnarly bush.
Hope not or else she loses her part on full house...
Deej is a dude? huh.
Destiny doesn't allow for facial hair.
He's probably physically able to, but he's aspiring to the order of the whitest of all knights - the paladins. Therefore, he's not allowed to.
Neck beard