"Re-balancing". Fancy way of saying "we made all these multiplayer maps so small there's no reason for anyone to bother with a rifle, so we're going to screw everyone that isn't a sniper rifle obsessed douche, by fu*king up whats working fine, so people go into the pigeon holes we want.". Fu*k you Whoever had this asinine idea. Fu*k you hard.
Edit: For everyone that refuses to read the patch notes and thread before commenting and wants to just jump in 20 comments later and whine I dont include all the "facts" with each post here's 3 for general consumption.
1) What if I told you Melee and Supers make up 25% of the kills?
2) Auto Rifles account for nearly 2x as many kills as all other primary weapons... combined. And almost 4x as many as Hand Cannons.
3) Shotguns account for more kills than all Heavy Weapons combined.
Tell me again how Hand cannons and fusion rifles are breaking things. Or, don't. NOT sounding like a fool is always allowed. :D
So glad someone took the time to show the facts about PVP. I don't get the hostility people have against handcannons when they are killed far more often by auto rifles. For some reason people take it personal and get really pissed when they're killed by a Thorn or Last Word. But this doesn't completely explain Bungie's actions... It's almost as if they're frustrated that we refuse to use the weapons they want us to use in the way they want us to use them.