*PRE EDIT* I'm sorry this is a very lengthy post and I was just writing everything down that came to my head so I wasn't even thinking about paragraphs and such :/
Alright so I'll give you guys a little run down I'm 17 years old so I'm sure I'm a little young to a lot of people on here. But I've always loved video games, my first love was halo: combat involved.. Yes I was a little kid but I would play it when my dad would go to work and my mom didn't know too much about games so she didn't care lmao but just going through the campaign over and over was so fun to me.. And I as I progressed over the years Halo 3 was my next obsession, I had finally gotten Xbox live for my Xbox 360 (didn't have Xbox live for the original Xbox cause parents were tight on money so I had to miss out on the halo 2 multiplayer :() and then into cod 4 which i immediately loved and I continued to love the next call of duty's until I'd say black ops 2 and then I stopped gaming in general and so I started playing sports"American football (please don't get butt hurt) basketball, and track (high jump, long jump, triple jump)" and video games had no impact in my life whatsoever and so I'm in my junior year of highschool and I was like you know what I'm kinda tired of sports and I quit football but I still play basketball and do track. And I was like well I'll probably be pretty bored so I talked my parents into paying half of an Xbox one and I would pay for the other half for Christmas "money is a little tight for me so this is huge for me" and I had seen trailers of this game called Destiny and this game had to look like the most bad ass game I've ever seen, I didn't watch much game plays footage before I got it because I didn't want to spoil it for myself xD. And so that Christmas morning I popped a 30mg adderall and was all excited and I was gonna play the mess out of it, but as you know Xbox live got taken down :( so I had to wait I think it was like another day and a half to play it so the tension was awful I just wanna play this game and so when the Xbox live servers came back on I popped another 30mg adderall and was so excited that I could start playing. I started the game up and made my first character (warlock ;)) and I couldn't stop playing I explored all of earth doing patrol missions cause they amused me so much. The gameplay was beautiful to me, I loved how the guns shot, I loved the people I was talking to in game (random polite strangers helping me out) and this game grabbed my heart and just made love to it. I realized that the story wasn't all the way there for me, I couldn't tell the story was poo cause I have pretty bad adhd was its usually hard for me to pay attention xD but I also realized that there wasn't a ton of content and I know that's a huge deal so I was really upset and had to think of ways to make this love last, so I looked up destiny on my AppStore and found the destiny companion app. I hopped on here and started looking at what everyone is saying about the game and their opinions and people posting about fun stuff to do or help better understand the game and it made me love it more, and then I found a clan who are still to this day the nicest, friendliest people I've ever met. They taught me almost everything I had to know from good strategies for strikes, showing me ghosts, and they even started taking me through the raid and helping me get the raid gear. And this was awesome because call of duty community is no where near how awesome the destiny community is.. And so everyday and I'd get on with my fellow clan mates and we'd grind out strikes or messing around trying to kill each other with our sparrows xD and the pricelessness of getting an exotic weapon or amour from doing the nightfall or doing a raid, and I got so excited over how happy I got over this virtual item xD well this is really long but I love this game and this community you guys rock! Go help out some fellow noobie guardians and show them what fun destiny can be :)
Anyone feel free to add me on xbone GT: snibblenoth
Xbone is for[spoiler]fgts[/spoiler]