I'm a 17yr old Warlock looking for a girlfriend on PS4 and in real life
Send a friend invite to Azazel9876 for my quirky, sexy French butt
(I may be batman)
[spoiler]i know my hair is shite, I know my face looks weird. I was laughing and I've not been doing anything except watching Sharknado and stuff all day[/spoiler]
Pl0x luv me ;-; kek
U like batman I like spooderman
Try tinder bro lol
Welp, There is a uhhh... hole in it uhhh... chin.
I'm scared
PC Master Race gets all the bitches, m9!
You look like mark walburg (sp) if he had aids
I don't get why you had to include you were a warlock, but thanks for the laugh.
Not sure if bait...
The Thirst is strong with this one.
Flee while you can, Desticle. Before the Barbarians of #Offtopic overwhelm you.
The thirst intensifies
i always thought you were a girl
I'd lose the shirt and probably not salute