As far as I know, DeeJ's official position is "community manager" (if this is incorrect, stop reading here). Now, curious as to what this entails, I decided to do a quick Google search for the term "community manager" and was given this definition via Wikkipedia:
[i]"An online community manager builds, grows, and manages online communities, often around a brand or cause."[/i]
My question is this, how has DeeJ failed?
I will add my thoughts later, first, let's see what the "community" (#sarire) has to say.
First edit: this is not a suck up post, I'm here to defend a member of this community who I've seen on these forums for years. For those of you who have the older accounts yet still persist that I'm doing nothing but looking for attention make me sick.
Second edit: I'm seeing a lot of replies saying "the forums could be better" or even "the forums [i]were[/i] better." My post was never about him doing better or worse with destiny as opposed to when he was on the forums during the Halo era, only if he is doing his job as of now. I too think he's slacked off, he could be doing more, but consider this:
[u]would you be able to do a better job?[/u]
Here's how, and I'll use an example of a good community group. Currently, Deej does more than a few things wrong. First and foremost, his communication skills are poor. As a community manager, he should be addressing player concerns at least once a day, through use of the forums. Even if it is a simple: "I like this idea. I will bring it up." One example of active devs are the devs of warframe. They reply to forum posts several times a day and always make sure that the community knows what is going on. Deej doesn't do this. Secondly, Deej's actual weekly updates are pretty lackluster. These updates are a chance for him to truly show the community what is going on. Instead he fills them with anecdotes and half-hearted promises of "Someday, a better game". A better weekly update would state "This is where we are in doing X thing, and what else we are working on." It would also address specific community concerns, which he only does in a minimal capacity. The question that most of you are asking after reading this is, "But is that really Deej's fault?" The answer is: Yes. While we have to understand that Deej is restricted from discussing certain things, his absolute lack of communication leaves much to be desired. The fact is, even if he is restricted from discussing any eta on updates or any ideas on future updates, he could still acknowledge good ideas in the community and communicate more than he currently does. This leads to the conclusion that Deej is currently failing.