im not
Edited by Kratos: 2/25/2015 2:11:06 PMI have a friend who plays sunsinger and he always says how incredibly OP it is but not that many people even realize it. The super is good, the grenades are amazing, the warlock melee is the best melee out of any class, but what makes the dang thing so broken is that you can punch someone once and instantly get an over-shield; you don't even have to kill that guy. Majority of my friends that have played the sunsinger have given up playing PVP with their hunters. EDIT: I guess I should also point out that he has 3.5+ K/D on his warlock. If you know how to play with it, it is by far one of the best classes.
Your friend is correct. With the right build Sunsinger is op in the crucible. People always go on about hunters being op but there really not that special. Sunsinger is just underrated and people don't tend to look into there builds properly
well yeah i beast with one hit ko scorch and sticky nade spam with hotpf but it just feels lacking compared to blade dancer or striker
Honestly people whine and complain about blade dancer and striker but they aren't even that good. I have killed blade dancers more times then been killed by them. Gunslinger is much better then blade dancer but even that is not OP. Strikers have to get up close and personal to do anything so I keep a distance and defender is extremely bad unless you're playing as a support in a full party. The only class, for me anyways, that gives me a problem is the warlock. I can't name one thing about the warlock that is bad.
well i dunno about all that but i havent been killed off if a blade dancer on my hunter