originally posted in:The Saviors Ps3
Are you tired of wiping at the Gorgons or having randoms run to the wrong portal?
How about searching Lfg or the forums just to join a group that can't hold their own against Crota?
Are your friends scared of Iron Banner?
If so Join The Saviors Ps3 http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Forum/453364.
🔹Weekly HM Raids!!
🔹Clan Crucible! !
🔹I. G. N. -10/10
🔹Weekly reset runs
🔹We're Awesome
Savior bump
Edited by Stinkbomb477: 3/26/2015 5:34:47 AMJoin request sent
sent a request
Edited by θείος: 3/23/2015 6:59:41 PM
Put in a join request xD
looking for team to help me finish iron banner add me ps3 Sahdow_Gamers04
Iron Banner?
Level 29 Titan, Uk Based, Have Mic.. Do you help out on bounties?
Bump. 10/10 would bang
Bump 👊
Wir suchen einen Clan oder Leute die uns zum raiden mitnehmen Wir sind warlock lvl 30 und Titan lvl 31 Würde mich freuen wenn ihr mich anschreibt :) Lg Devil
I'm looking to join a clan
add me sayion21
I want to join a decent clan as most of mine has now moved to ps4 plenty of experience raiding and average 20 to 25 kills a match in the crucible I have 3 character two warlocks and a hunter warlocks 32 and hunter 31 I just made that the other day
Interested in joining up with you guys. Same name as here, level 30 warlock. No raid experience.
I'm looking for a new clan, I have a lvl 31 warlock and lvl 29 hunter, I like to raid mostly and I have a mic
Hello, I'm Exsistense10 I'm a lvl 27 titan with tons of experience, and I need more friends for raids, and weeklys
Hi I'm a level 31 and wondering how to join your clan
Edited by Alex The Phalax: 3/4/2015 5:36:09 PMHi if applications are still open I'm a new ps3 guardian but I do have experience in both crucible and strikes. my main is level 10 but i got into playing destiny well after i had helped my brother in laws hunter to level 28. I have a mic if it is required. Almost forgot to include my psn:SLUgaming
If I am able to join. Can we run VOG Hard? No one wants to help. I'm level 32
I'd be interested in joining and getting some raid experience. I main a 26 Hunter, atm but I'm willing to fill whatever role's you need.
Hey mate, I'm a pretty experienced looking for a good clan. I'm pretty good at PVP and I raid quite a bit. Currently running my hunter but he'll be 32 soon. Got a 32 titan and warlock. Invite me in if you got a space mate
My mic is broken , is that ok?
how many of you run iron banner?