The thing about a titan is there abilities all reward only 1 real type of play style. I play all 3 classes and have always felt titan was a bit gimped, that being said as soon as I started using my super properly and the right grenade i started doing a lot better.
I may be wrong but I think the strongest thing about a titan (striker) is that the super shuts down all other supers. Crucible is flooded with hunters and honestly 90% of the time i just use my super to kill blade dancers. (Or to push their heavy)
2nd thing is grenade, to me it's all about playstyle. If you are more of a REactive player use lightning. If you are the one pushing around corners first being more aggressive ( Titans are the best class in the game for this imo) flashbang is the way to go.
Another thing that might just be me, but I swear the Titan melee range is so damn short. If I shotgun then punch I always seems to be too short and i die. I started just shooting my shotty twice and I do SO much better in up close fights. Out ranging that op warlock flame shield melee is crucial.
Overall kd on my titan is like 1.5 I think (2.0 in rumble). On my lock it's 1.7 so I'm not terrible but I'm not that great.
Anyway this is my 2 cents playing quite a few games on a Titan.
Ps. Watch AEGabriel, he streams in the evenings. 5.0 kd highest rated titan. Watching him and how he plays is how Titans are suppose to be played to take advantage of the skill set