Hey guys, I have found myself in need of some assistance with the story. I was looking through the forms trying to find a recruitment page for the story, and couldn't find one. So I thought it would be best to make this, so if someone needs help with the story, they could come here to find others who would be willing to help.
If you need assistance, or want to help someone out, please leave this information here.
I currently have a level 30 warlock, and a level 10 warlock. If someone needs help you can message me in game at Shadowkingjacob. If I am not already doing something I will try to help you out. I would also like to ask that you don't use profanity on this thread. Thank you!
I am going to start this thread by asking if someone could help me with the story. Shadowkingjacob 10 Warlock Venus Ishtar Collective