Skip the spoiler if you just want to know the rules of the challenge
[spoiler]I have levelled 7 characters to level 20. For me the most entertaining and exciting parts of the game have been the times when I would level and see how long it would take for me to die. Than I would continue levelling but since I died already that fear factor wasn't there and it was more of an entertaining grind with enemies. Once I hit level 24 however than it just became a boring grind for more gear to get light level doing the same strikes over and over. With my Titan at level 27 I finnanly hit the raid and it just seemed like it was a big strike with a bunch of stupid rules. Crucible is to much like COD with exotic primarys, every secondary, heavys, special abilitys all KOing you and with a bad connection is just BS. Strikes are so FKing repetitive that has become boring. Weekly Heroic and Nightfall are kinda fun but feels to much like a hide in this corner and shoot.
SO before I put this game down for a while (or if they fix their game) I will have a final challenge: [/spoiler]
[b]The 1-20 No Death Heroic Story Solo Challenge![/b]
Rule 1- You must start a new character and not allowed to access your bank at any time during the challenge.
Rule 2- Dying at ANY point in the game ends your challenge if you want to try again just delete the character.
Rule 3- You can ONLY play on Heroic mode when doing story missions... no normal mode.
Rule 4- ALL story missions MUST be completed only by yourself. If you do a strike its ok to be matched up with RANDOMS but you may not invite a higher level to carry you through.
Rule 5- You MUST complete each mission AT LEAST one level higher than your current level.
I think that although this challenge is Hard it is far from impossible and I invite anyone who wants to join me in this personal challenge to try this and you will feel a refreshing and exciting twist to the game.
Bah, do it using only melee and I'd be impressed