I need me some Ps4 friends so I'll definitely send you a request tonight man! I'll be on in a couple hrs. Luckily the skins don't do much other than Potentially help you blend so I feel no pressure to buy that outrageously priced stuff. I even feel the hunters and monsters are priced high but they aren't a huge developer either with some huge budget ( like bungie and destiny are ) so I understand why they'd request a higher amount as well.
Sweet looking forward to the request. But is that turtle price for skins etc or 2k?
It was turtles I do believe. Cause they got backlash for it and their Co defended it and later on 2k president also defended their marketing strategy.
Well if they allowed a preview of what tge skins would look like, I might pick one or 2. But after buying the sp and getting the monster magma skin, I wasnt to impressed with the goliath. Granted I unlocked kracken just havnt seen it on it yet no wraith right niw. And wraith is a way op monster. From a hunters pov.
Agreed man. I've taken down stage 3 folia th's and krakens but even with two lvl 30's on my team and pretty good team work we lost to a stage 2 or 3 wraith with him barely at half health. They're hard to track, hard to keep sights on even in battle, hard to trap even in the dome, and they deal huge amounts of damage with some insane attacks and the decoy to throw people off (which I never had an issue with).
Straight up. You fought the behemoth? It was the preorders moster bonus. I haven't.
No it's not out yet is it? I seen them running tests on it and it looks intense but slow so we shall see. Seems like one of those catch him In stage 1 and it's in the bag kind of deals. I did finally beat a stage 3 wraith last night though. Know what I like best? I don't get upset about laggers or anything like I do in pvp on destiny haha