Ya i saw that
* hops in trunks *
This is so they dont notice me if they see you approaching also take this
* hands a earpiece *
Thanks. Tap into com link channel: 5. *starts ignition and revs vehicle* let's ride! *Speeds down the street*
Are we going in loud or stealthy?
Loud for 2 kilometers. Alondite is ready to fire and we should stay stealthy while inside the compound. The club will be bursting with strippers and cocaine addicts...
Ok i will go throught the air vents and follow you through them and if i see commotion i will bust out
Okay go ahead. *breaks lock on back door and steps inside* There's a guy about 2 feet across from the vent opening. I've got him. *places hands around the guard's neck and jerks it forward* *snap*
* jumps into vents and starts walking through following you around with my katana sheathed and a silenced pistol in my hands * Careful theirs a guy that is walking up too you * shoots guy as he gets out of sight * Lets go
I assume you killed kain? The guards are frantic right now.
* comes up to dragging a dead guy * This him? People started gasping when i killed him he shot me in the arm and now he is missing his legs * points to his legs *