Ask me anything
Edit: I guess people need proof. Check out my ig: egod10
Edit: lol damn guys I was bored why all the hate ? Add me on ps4 though: N1KESWAG
For the record I also don't care about the hate comments. I will respond to everyone just not this second. I was bored. I don't take anything personal so I'm not phased at all by any hate comments. At the end of the day opinions don't matter. 1 semester away from my bachelors in criminal justice, so I know who I am and what I wish to accomplish. I just felt like making the post for ha ha's not because I think anyone actually cares about who or what I am. People need to not be so uptight and learn to live and relax.
Edit: lmao can't even make a light hearted topic without everyone acting as if I insulted their mothers. Enjoy life, it's too short to be mad on forums
Fully expected to see a lot more ninja justice comments here lol, some faith restored in humanity
So am I. Big deal....
Good for you
What's your go-to weapon & which system? [spoiler]Black/white/purple/gay/straight/like to -blam!- your toaster, I don't care about any of that[/spoiler]
Whaz up ni##a^^
Or are you blue? Or white and gold?
So? What's your point? No one cares about your race, as long as you play the game without being a douche.
Do you want a gold star or something?
I like how you pigeon-hole yourself.
And that should make me care why?
I'm white, but my wife is half Korean and half African American. That's gotta count for something.
LOL at the white people here who don't know how to talk to a black person.
I see gold.
Edited by Longshot Foghorn: 2/27/2015 3:17:52 PMK. I'm white. I feel left out
Am brown o.o/ hi black
Pls teach me the right way to dunk in crucible ! [spoiler]cause i suck at pvp :c[/spoiler]
...I have the "Revenant" shader, so you'r not alone my friend.
I'm also black Does that mean we're brothers?
I'm a white destiny player with a Jamaican girlfriend. AMA lmaoo
Did you steal your copy of Destiny?[spoiler]jk[/spoiler]
Does your guardian jump higher? Do you have more dance moves? Also, who cares?
Who cares? Just shut up and shoot
Crazy. Me too.