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Edited by Eboo13: 5/26/2015 3:49:31 PM

Xür and the devaluation of exotics.


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  • I have gjallahorn, hardlight, and thunderlord and I couldn't care less if xur sells them. It's just a game and how others get stuff doesn't bother me at all.

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    • Got my red death from a legendary engram in the archon priest strike on vanguard roc. I'm happy he sold it cause a lot of my friends wanted the gun and I did not feel like I even earned strange coins ftw

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    • Honestly anyone that believes likes op is a complete retard, because you keep assuming that exotics are meant to be super super super super super rare, but obviously they aren't supposed to be, that's why you can get them from just about every game mode, and xur, just something to think about all you slow people

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    • Edited by THG Scrandy One: 3/14/2015 2:02:32 PM
      Kind of like how i earned my Ice Breaker by dancing with the enemy team on skirmish totally badass right -.- let me break this down in infant terms so you can understand. Weekly heroic strike. Level 30 takes 3 to get 27 coins. Basically if the world operated how you talk you would go to your job for a CHANCE of money with no garuntee of actually getting paid. When you go to work why do you? To make money of course! What do you do with that money? Pay bills and buy shit you want right? Its cool to be able to buy a plasma screen TV right you worked for the money and you used your money to buy a nice plasma TV but since you paid for it you didnt EARN it instead the guy who put his name in a box hoping he would randomly be chosen did earn his cuz he wrote his name on a slip of paper. Anyways enough rambling i think i have proved my point of how mentally retarded you are. Good day -blam!-

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      • I've been playing a long time, since launch. I missed my opportunity for Red Death early on. I played a lot. Never saw it drop. Are you telling me that I can't enjoy buying something that I've been looking for since week four? I love this rifle, it fits me just right. -blam!- you and your devaluation of exotics. I paid for this game, and sometimes, the only way for me to progress forward with my collection of exotics is to buy from Xur because the same damn things drop. This kind of attitude is awful. You're telling me that if there was an exotic that you coveted, and Xur sold it, you'd pass it by? Or, you'd feel that the game would be watered down because more people would be able to access a different gun? That's absolutely ridiculous. This is a game, and you should be able to unlock cool gear and weapons.

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      • You know this is a game right?

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      • Funny! I bought red death yesterday then jumped into a roc strike to go test it out, got match made with 2 32s ( one had full raid gear) and ALL 3 of us had red death! Nexus strike, we all started shooting at vex as soon as we spawn to test out our new weapon. Nobody does that, NOBODY unless you just got a new weapon. So take your elitist nonsense somewhere else! I'll see you in the crucible, you can call me whatever you like, im happy with my new gun and guess what, I will bye whatever he sells next week too! LOL

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      • Bungie needs to say that exotics are not a rarity but a "unique" legendary because no legendary can have exotic perks and that's the only thing separating a exotic and a legendary gun.

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        • Wow, you're a bitch

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        • Value is only in peoples heads. The only way any of these exotics would have had any real value or depreciation is if Destiny had a trading system or market.

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        • First of all, ever hear of a paragraph? Secondly, you're an idiot. I could go into detail...but I won't.

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        • Edited by S1CK L1KE V1CK: 3/14/2015 6:44:50 AM
          So you're basically saying you have no skill and you were only good in crucible because no one else had that gun? I have gjallarhorn and hard light and many others and I would not b a bit mad if xur sold them. And many people grind the raids it doesn't mean they get good drops.

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        • I've had 7 gallys drop for me but never a red death. Sorry if I purchase a weapon I don't have. I mean what else are strange coins for ? Other than buying shit from xur that I don't have ?

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        • 2
          These post are getting old.

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        • Devaluation? I didn't realize exotics could be sold for glimmer or resource material or something oh wait. None of the weapons in this game have any value because there is no GOD gun in the game that can actually be earned by getting enough of some sort of currency by selling weapons or some shit like that cause this isn't that type of game.

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        • Translation: Wah wah wah, I can't furiously masturbate to my vault of exotics because other people's dirty hands are on them... What a self entitled wanker.

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        • Lel you're a scrub

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          • Got SUROS from legendary engram dropped from Lvl 10 dreg. I EARNED IT! PEOPLE WHO BOUGHT IT FROM XUR ARE NOOBS! For all you people that think like the OP,this is how you sound to everyone else with a brain. #crymore

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          • All i read was blah blah blah me no special no more, me no high kd animore cos everyone has blah blah If you are good, your KD will remain UNAFFECTED, REGARDLESS of whatever you use. Its not what you have, its HOW you use it.

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          • He already sold red death.. Gf

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          • I wonder if op would buy a ghallahorn if xur sold it [spoiler]of course he would[/spoiler]

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            10 Replies
            • Edited by Roughneck: 3/14/2015 7:02:03 AM
              Hmmm, so you yourself state that the STORY leading to the exotics should be the emphasis behind adventuring in Destiny. As such, do you perhaps think that player focus and Destiny's reward system should revolve around real adventure while playing Destiny vs simply the carrot (i.e. the gear drop) at the end of the public event/strike/weekly/NF/raid/match? I know I sure as hell do. As such, I believe your angst should be directed at the messed up RNG reward system built around nothing more than a constant grind of repeated, UNCHANGING content that players need to incessantly wade through all in the hopes that -- FINGERS CROSSED, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE -- RNGesus eventually blesses them their hundredth time around. Your fury over Xur is completely misguided! In the end you are right: THE ADVENTURE, THE STORY -- NOT THE GEAR -- IS WHAT MATTERS! It's lack of emphasis THROUGHOUT Destiny is the real villain you should be railing against! You can't tell me that "I got Ghorn to drop for me after my 45th HM Crota kill" is the "story" Bungie should be intending people to tell!

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            • Didn't read your whole post (bad formatting). But yeah, I wish Bungie would have kept their original idea. It sounds like exotics were supposed to drop from specific bosses. Now we just get RNG & Xur.

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            • I have news for you buddy you don't see people use universal remote because that gun is trash. It's literally a waste of your exotic slot

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            • Lol hard light sucks. I have it. Laaaame.

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