Can someone get this want-to-be snowflake a gynocologist? Their vajayjay is really really sore.
I've earned some and bought some. I suppose I have more than my fair share. This is the part of the game I like though because certain armor and weapon combos based on perks show who's really experimenting with the way to make their character stronger.
I've got Praxic for a while now and I'm not bothered.. Happy Sunsinging to anyone who picks it up today... And there's nothing special about Hardlight .. It's crap compared to most legendary ARs. Begrudging people items that will make them enjoy the game more doesn't make any sense to me
I've never once in any video game have wanted my character to have some "individuality". Not in Destiny. Not in any mmo. People who want people not to have stuff "because it makes it not rare" or "I don't want everyone to be the same" are sooo dumb. Worry about you and only you when you play video these days...No one but a kid ever said to anyone. "Omg he has Gjallarhorn!" or "Look at this bada** with Heart of Praxic Fire." NO ONE CARES. NO ONE.
Got to love the butt hurt kids around this community. The reason no one equips it is because it's not worth the exotic slot.
Took this from raider1987. [quote]People who complain about Xur selling weapons they got through RNg, is like people who have won the lottery complaining about those working for a living being 'given' money by their employer.[/quote]
- plz follow
Was HoPF or UR really rare anymore? I've had them both since month one and have probably had them drop ~6 additional times. They were probably rare amongst Christmas noobs, but definitely not rare in the 2,000 and up or 2,500 and up grimoire clubs.
What a dumb fukn post.
Edited by Thrak360: 2/27/2015 4:52:29 PM[quote]I felt like a G.[/quote] lol
Plenty of people have UR. Before the buff it was complete garbage so it sits in everyone's vault
Where's the #satire??
I like how grinding for a completely random loot drop is "earning it", but grinding for strange coins to buy it from a vendor who's inventory is (supposedly) completely random somehow doesn't count as "earning it". An idiot's logic...
Stopped reading after the first sentence because this looks like whining babble. But here's my retort to your first sentence. In many cases, people out-earned you! You got HoPF, or let's say Ghorn or Icebreaker, after how many raid attempts? Probably not that many. The longer you've had an exotic, the less you had to work for it-- think about that. Some of these people have pined after HoPF an other exotics Xur has sold for months. They ran the raid just as much as you or the next HoPF-owner. You just happened to get lucky before them. Bottom line, if you're crying about an exotic that you've had forever and now you're sad that you're not special anymore because set one has it- you probably did not have to work as hard as a lot of people did for that exotic. Sure, some people bought the game a month ago and have a rare exotic now, but still, why are you crying about it? I just assume you were shedding tears while writing this.
Edited by zxionisus: 2/27/2015 4:57:08 PMWhat are you talking about? It's just as much of a grind to get the strange coins necessary to buy it. You think you earned it because it dropped for you in a random drop? People will complain about anything. Grow up. You assume that people who bought it with strange coins aren't also doing raids. You assume too much. There are only a few things that are actually "earned" in Destiny, such as Exotic Bounties and Nechrocasm. .
You make it sound like Strange coins is the easiest thing to get which they are pretty difficult to get. Also all your "earned" exotics are most like likely random loot drop which got lucky. Stop complaining about something that you clearly don't understand about.
- getting a lucky drop from a chest is not hard work - your gear has no value - atheon / crota don't drop armor, and exotic armor drop rate from nightfall is ridiculous
Did you seriously say "[i]Like the more money is in the economy, it becomes worth less[/i]" You may want to go back and recheck your understanding of economics, because that is not how devaluation of currency works. Here's a simple solution for you and those who think the same that Xur devalues a given exotic just because he sells it - unequipped it and proceed to dismantle it. Then you don't have worry that your precious little token no longer makes you a special snowflake.
Oh boo hoo. It's a game, the value of anything in this game is zero, zilch, notta other than self satisfaction.
Next week I hope he sells Hardlight and Skull of Dire Ahamkara. And Thunderlord will be all that remains...
There have been numerous weeks where the Weekly heroic was more challenging than the Nightfall.
You are kinda late mate. Devaluation of the exotics is from the nerfs and crucible complaints.
You're an idiot
This whole wall of text just to complain about universal remote being sold lol.
Shut the -blam!- up. Seriously. I play all the night falls solo, weekly. Raid with my friends. Who cares. Don't you want your friends to have cool shit too. First off. No one will use the remote for pvp. Only pve. That helps everyone. Same w the armor, who cares. Duck off
Too much crap being spewed, didn't read past hardlight, it's trash though.