Don't be an asshole. You're not great for having an exotic, you're not special, you didn't earn it, you got lucky where everybody else gets nothing, because virtually everybody do the raids/nightfalls. Hell, even if you were such a special special snowflake for having an exotic, you totally earned it and deserve that exotic, exotics that Xur sell are only popular for a couple of weeks before dying down again. Also, speaking as somebody who had the Universal Remote before he sold it, it's not nearly as rare as you seem to think it is. You rarely see people using it because it's honestly not that great of an exotic, and you can easily find better choices for an exotic slot. Speaking as somebody who's had Icebreaker before he originally sold it so long ago, as somebody who's had Ghorn before he'll sell it again, as somebody who got the Dragons Breath in the first week of DLC, I don't give a shit what he sells provided I get to waste some of my strange coins on him. I suggest you start to do that same.