* unsheathes a katana with green flame licking at the blade *
Would anyone like to fight
1. No salazar
2. No god mode (obvs)
3. No fgt magic sht just a normal fight with normal blades (the green flame doesnt do anything it just absorbs souls to make it stronger)
Alright. But we'll have to make this a short one. *revs semi- automatic tiger chain saw sword nunchuck* (a mix between a gun, a tiger, a chain saw, a sword, and a nunchuck) possibly the most manly thing in existence.
that aint the most manly weapon (chuck norris apears and touches your weapon the dsapears) ................now it is the most manly weapon
Alright. Let's fight with our fists then! *does a triple energy punch combo move*
Fight me * puls out my katana * You take first swing
I suppose. *revs chainfist*
yeah beat him up champ (throws power ups in the arena)
Edited by Hohei Salazar: 2/28/2015 2:59:26 AMBANZAI!!!!!!!!! (kicks open the door and pucnhes you) falls to the ground.......i am to old right now. (crawling) ill look for a medic and a exo suit
* dodges and stabs in back *
(gets stabbed) if i had my sword. reaches into a pocket. the sword gives my eternal youth but the inmortality is a blessing from another wizard. (takes out a hydrogen bomb) see you in the forge class teacher (explodes the room and dies)
* romes valryian steel walls take no effect and the bomb is taken through a black hole *
(opens the door) you caught the explosion, good i ddint wanna have to pay repairing the place. anyway. I got buisness to secret Attend. AND DONT FOLLOW ME I HATE WHEN PEOPLE FOLLOW ME!!!!!!! (not that ia m hiding somehting)
* secretly follows but is invisible *
*i smeel bitch blood* (turns back) A TRAVELING SALESMAN!!!!!!! (sees a traveling salesman inside the dojo and persutes him)
I'll fight *morphs into Power Ranger*
You make first move * gets in stance *
*Readies sword* *Jumps up and slams down sword*
* dodges * * slams sword down on your back as you reach the ground
*due to Power Ranger powers , I simply fall back and I stand up* *kicks legs*
* i stagger from leg kicking * * i begin to become holographic somehow * * i swing at you wildly *
hey you said no powers only swords
Who said it was a power?
Its not fair to go wraith mdoe ina fight so (turns on the dojos power jammer) Now its more like it
The power jammer doesnt do anything to me and who said i went wraith mode?
as far as i understand when a wraith bemoes turns ghostly or traspasable. i suposed that was wraith mode, my mistake then ill have to fight a screaming monser with another one.\ (Opens the necklace) behold hte sorrows of a Mermeaid (chilling scream stuns everyhting that hears it and jams any supernormal abilities)
Nope im not that kind of wraith