I was playing Destiny and fired up the dark beyond to complete a bounty and my mom and sister said because there is guns in destiny not to play it in front of my nephew. But they let him play Killer Instinct and MORTAL -blam!-ING KOMBAT at his cousins house!!!!! What is worse to play in front of my 4 yr old nephew, Destiny or Killer Instinct?
Parents today are raising a bunch of p455ies. The first movie I remember watching as a little kid was terminator. I've been playing violent video games and watching violent movies since is was like 6. Did I turn into an angry or violent person? No. I'm a perfectly fine, well adjusted member of society. It bugs me when parents blame video games or movies for their kids mistakes like all these tragedies at schools and what not. Clearly for a kid to do that kind of stuff they have mental probs in the first place and the parents should blame themselves for making excuses for them all the time instead of getting them the help they need.