Dear Mr. Weisnewski,
There is folly is your proposed 'tuning'. You state, "Looking at raw DPS [damage per second], the Auto Rifle is the most lethal primary weapon class across all of Destiny’s activities." Of course it is. How can you possibly compare the DPS of a player holding down the trigger for the auto rifle with the speed at which a player is able to repeatedly pull the trigger for non-automatics? It is a flawed analogy. It would be like comparing the use of an electric air pump with that of a bicycle pump. There is no surprise one is faster than the other.
I am also confused by your changes to the hand cannon. I, of course, am biased. I love my Hawkmoon. But you state, "We’re finding that players get very comfortable hanging back and using the Hand Cannon like a Scout Rifle or a Sniper Rifle." Have you ever tried sniping a moving target with a hand cannon? It is no easy feat. And it's no surprising players use hand cannons like scout rifles - they are essentially the same weapon. The only difference being the scout rifle has more range, more reserve ammo and a larger clip. So with these changes you propose, the hand cannon will now add even less range to the limitations it already has of a small clip and less than 100 rounds of reserve.
Your changes are effectively turning the hand cannon into a single barrel shotgun. Seeing as shotguns already have a role, this change, this 'tuning' makes no sense.
I love all the weapon changes except for MAYBE the AR nerf.... the jury is still out on that one for me. It's nice to start up a Crucible match and see 6 people holding 3-4 different weapon types. Lots of people are checking out Pulse Rifles right now... that is to be expected. Several people are still holding onto Hand Cannons... the nerf didn't seem to affect them that much to me. And I still see tons of people using Auto Rifles. And, yes, I even see the occasional Scout Rifle. I've been pretty rough on Bungie, but in my opinion, they have turned a corner with this patch. I was skeptical about the Heavy Ammo change in Crucible but it has been great. The matches have been much more competitive and less frustrating with endless streams of rocket spam. The weapon tuning has been successful, imo. People can pick weapons that fit the map, their play styles, or their strengths. As for the whole "don't let it spill over into PvE" thing... I just don't understand that at all. It's an MMO. Get use to nerfs, buffs, changes, etc. PvE folks act like once something is in, and they get use to it, it should never be touched or changed. That is absurd.