EHEHHE (grabs you) ia m gonna have your (a ghostly old Salazar apears and pucnhes young salazar).
Alrgth i am gona help you.
DOnt move.( Gives a green mushroom) this should work.
now wheres is that relik blade i really want that power
That blade is mine. It has a twin called Despair. I'm still searching for it, but if I find it you can have it. It's somewhere in hell.
I already have it demon weapons dont grow by themselves, this sword use to be just shrpnell. i kille andconsumed enoguth demon wespons to turn it into a greatsword
Whatever . You ain't gettin my knife. Bows and leaves arena.
You cant stop me, and the old man dont expect him to save you. he coudlnt save her. (dancees as he leaves arena)