This has been quite a topic a while ago, so when I heard about the open door, bringing this up was inevitable. Since we have some Crucible Designers here, I wanted to bring this to their attention.
As you all know, Raid Gear has one additional perk, which is there to help you along the raid they drop from and are also helpful in certain ways in other PvE missions (additional damage to hive major, stun wizards...) and these items are earned from the highest PvE challenge in the game, the Raids.
So, why not implement this additional perks to items you can acquire from the highest PvP challenge, such as the Iron Banner and possibly, the Trials of Osiris. Make those max level gear have one additional perk that will aid players in PvP. Even if it's little like precision kills against guardians have a chance to spawn orbs, they will be appreciated and will make those highest PvP gear much more interesting and relevant.
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