As I enter the bar all eyes focus on me, the man that has to duck to get through the doorway. I ignore the judgmental glares of the patrons, and quietly make my way to the bar. Finding a group of three open stools I decide to sit upon the middle one. With a weary gaze a look at the bartender, an wait for a response, all the while keeping an eye on both the exit, and the patrons around me.
* i dont look at the idiot that is prancing about *
Well excuse me for being a man of words, did I not just pay for everyone's drinks
The drinks are free
I look at the barkeep, and ask, " you know how to make an AMF?"
I can make any drink...
I take out a satchel of coins, and reply, "then drinks are on me." After placing that bag of solid gold coins on the counter, a silently gesture as to ask if I may light up a cigar.
I'd prefer not...
I nod, and start to drink the blue nectar if the devines.