I'm use either Achilles or Thunderdevil. Just wanna know what looks good with it.
I normally keep Babylon 9191 on my Warlock. It matches the Praxic Fire perfectly. However CE gear looks awful with it and Glowhoo is garbage. So Cryptographic it is. Gonna participate in next IB because the gear looks so good.
Themisto looks good. Also bittersteel.
Thunderdevil with the 3 chars :)
Love the way cryptographic looks on it....
I have all 4 new monarchy shaders but I usually just rock themisto with everything including HOPF
I don't use my hopf much
Sunsetting and million million
Chatterwhite and Cryptographic look the best. Thunderdevil isn't bad either.
sunset or thunder devil
Blood pact
Revenant is pretty decent.
Sunsetting :)
I like Thunderdevil too. Looks pretty medieval.
Chatterwhite looks the sickest with it.
Chatterwhite absolutely.
Cryptographic. Mostly everything else looks pretty bad.