Anyone know the little ravine before you go down and defend confluxes?
I can't really describe cause it'll take too long but I'll try.
Before you jump down, turn around and look slightly to the left. There should be a big column you can jump on. From there, on the side of the cliff, there should be another block you can jump on to. If you look up there should seem to be an area on the top. I you manage to get up there and go through the back corridor, you should see a huge drop off and a ravine. Me and a friend explored just a little but idk if it's just another one of those areas in the map that's accessible but has no meaning.
You are looking at this ravine from the wrong direction - we refer to it as the 'scenic route to the templar'. It can be accessed by dropping down the chasm to your right as you open the first VoG chest.
Ohh okay