originally posted in:Infamous Reapers XB1
[url=http://destinytracker.com/]DestinyTracker.com[/url] - Stats, leaderboards and DB
[url=http://destinypublicevents.com/]DestinyPublicEvents.com[/url] - Find public events
[url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DQZTwmCgcOhhH0YiMta4oNTeNtpZ1L3MCDMsEgQgzAc/mobilebasic]Dead Ghost Checklist[/url] - Find those ghosts you haven't found yet.
[url=http://www.destinylfg.com/]LFG.com[/url] - Find fireteam help.
[url=http://www.destinylfg.net/]LFG.net[/url] - Find fireteam help.
[url=http://www.reddit.com/r/fireteams]/fireteams[/url] - Fireteam help subreddit.
[url=http://isthegunsmithsellingrarefusionrifles.com/]Pocket Infinity Bounty/rare fusion rifle alert[/url] - Get alerts when the Gunsmith is selling rare fusion rifles to complete the Pocket Infinity Exotic Bounty.
[url=http://destiny.wikia.com/wiki/Destiny_Wiki]Destinypedia[/url] - Database.
[url=http://www.reddit.com/r/DestinytheGame]/DestinytheGame[/url] - Destiny subreddit.
This is just an all in one spot to find some useful links.
If anybody has others just post em and I'll add to the list.
Edited by PeytonicMaster: 3/27/2016 6:09:02 PM