Anyone willing to help a lvl 31 warlock? if so, add cabopro. appreciate it.
or leave your psn.
Since a lot of people are looking for help Killing Urzok. Lets use this thread as a place to find people to help.
Ps3 need help with Urzok.
Need help killing urzok message for invite on Xbox 360
If anyone needs help I'm waiting for him in skywatch right now
Anyone got some time to spare to help me kill Urzok? Managed to solo him on my other two characters but can't quite manage it with my lvl 31 hunter I'm on Xbox One, GT SpartanNo7
Get a shotgun. Win
I cant even get him to show but I also need help if I can ever find him again
I'm a level 30 warlock. I have killed Urzok solo using Murmur and Super Good Advice plus loads of grenades. When the public event started the first wave was fallen enemies. I ran away from the warsat and didn't kill any fallen enemy. By that time a second wave of hive enemies spawned. I killed all of them. By that time it was total chaos since there were plenty of enemies. When Urzok appeared, I used Murmur to take down his shields and used SGA on him along with plenty of grenades using radiance. In addition, I killed the other hive enemies. All the fallen enemies were now attacking Urzok. I died twice in the process but still took him down within the time limit. The shielded fallen captains were a big help.
I'm doing this on ps4 for anyone looking for help
Anyone got some time to help with Urzok on ps4?
Same need help with this on PS3
[quote]Anyone willing to help a lvl 31 warlock? if so, add cabopro. appreciate it. or leave your psn[/quote] Need help killing urzok in skywatch
anyone help you yet?