I decided to help my usual fireteam cut the time it takes to find a hunter swordy on lfg by finally developing mine. I would like to know from those who regularly wield the ultimate relic what exotic armor I should really try to obtain? Does it really matter, or is there one specific piece that will make me more potent via longer invisiblity or something along those lines. Any help is greatly appreciated!
PS: before anybody says something, I know you don't have to be a hunter, but I'm not THAT good with my warlocks to dethrone crota on hard. Save your "get gud" comments, I realize I need to.
Mask of the Third Man is really good for bladedancers because it has orb healing and makes bladedancer last a lot longer. Don't Touch Me is great also. Gunslinger isn't relevant to this discussion of the sword, but in general you should also try to pick up achlyophage symbiote. It's a great helmet.