I bring with me the black ka'kari it is a small metal sphere that when you squeeze in your hand it covers you like a second skin.It chose me as it's user and no one else therefore you can't take it (it won't do anything for you). It gives me abilities they include: Making me invisible, giving me perfect vision no matter the light conditions, allows me to see the unclean (people who have done great wrongs), it can devourer magics, if the bearer is killed they are brought back to life (at a cost, that being a loved one will die and it can't be prevented), injuries recover faster and immortality (don't age). I also own a sword I call judgment it is unbreakable and only I can hold it. May I enter the dojo?
[spoiler] -blam!-ing loved these books. Like hot damn!! Kylar and all of them. [/spoiler]
I dont know this seems sortve op and god moded * takes orb and ties you down * We will see what ninja says
I already don't like this guy...
:( Why don't you like me?
Me neither i may have to smash this orb and desteroy his blade
I could help...
His blade and orb are weak i could easily desteroy both with a swipe of my wraih talon