alright after some vents i wont even try to explain.
I am back to nromal.
am gona Start the Chivalry class.
you will learn. multiple techinques.
sign here or challenge. (no powers)
May I be taught?
Sure just sign here and ill give you your bakc pack for class (tomorrow is first class)
*signs name* so what time is class?
about 11.00 AM (in MX about 12.00am in USA)
Alright il see you then
I guess i need something to do with my time other than torturing ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)s * writes down name *
(good) This will be your daily back back (hands over a backpack. with a sword shiedl and service rifle)
* looks at contents * Hmm ill take it * takes backpack into forge * * writes [b]Robber[/b] on backpack *
see you on class