Hey guys! I know how much of a struggle it is to find a raiding team so I set this up.
Just comment down below your:
Just incase anyone wants help I have:
Titan: lvl 34
Hunter: lvl 31
Warlock: lvl 34
Clan: Nope
I no longer play destiny so please do not message me and ask for my help. Please don't message me asking for help as the message will be instantly deleted.
The reason I do not play destiny is because I don't have taken King. I'm not asking this of anyone but if you do have a spare TTK code lying around then I will be eternally grateful if you gave that to me. I am not asking anyone to buy me a TTK code so please don't for me. However if you do feel like giving a spare code away then I will be very happy if you gave it to me.
Well nothing more to say other than
Go and Wreck some Darkness Face!
Looking for 5 for fresh hard raid, msg back for inv
Need 2 for trials going to go flawless must have mic and be 310+ light gt slyfox828
gorlgoroth hard checkpoint 314+ challenge mic
Golgoroth challenge MUST KNOW HOW TO DO OR YOU GET THE BOOT 296+ MESSAGE ScaryFawn410032
Golgoroth challenge MUST KNOW HOW TO DO OR YOU GET THE BOOT 296+ MESSAGE ScaryFawn410032
Trials need 2 trying to go to the lighthouse 305+
Hard kings fall fresh need 4 message GhostSold1er99
C[quote]2 for trials GOING flawless checking kd so don't join if your a scrub must have year two flawless emblem[/quote]
2 for nf. Send msg for invite
Looking for 1 more HARD DAUGHTERS CP 310+ (higher the better) Be patient be kind and of at least 18 years of age Planning to do 8 the 8 for blights Msg GT (same as above for invite)
Need 1 for trials tryna have some fun yo message me but don't suck cuz tryna go flawless too low key
Need 4 for fresh kings fall hardmode.
Need 2 for flawless run -have mic -have emblem -carry own weight -have above 1.0 kd -know how to play destiny GT same as above -have fast or option too I don't
Need two for flawless trails must have year two emblem. 313+ gt same
Anyone willing to not exactly carry me, but help me go to the Light house? I'm a 317 Titan and am just above the average crucible player. I would love to go to the lighthouse. Get same as above. INV me, don't send me a message saying inv.
Need 1 for Black spindle mission. 290+
Need 2 for the Nightfall -mic not necessary -just lookin to get it done GT same, msg me for an invite
Need 2 for the Nightfall -mic not necessary -just lookin to get it done GT same, msg me for an invite
Need 1 for black spindle mission
Need 1 for hard golg challenge no sqeakers
Need one Titan for oryx hard. Please be able to handle yourself and know what you are doing. 312+. Message R3axor
Need one Titan for oryx hard. Please be able to handle yourself and know what you are doing. 312+. Message R3axor
Need 3 kf norm daughters cp X360 Msg SniperJones08 for inv
Need 2 for oryx hard and need to be 315 and MUST know the 8 and then 8 strategy message GT above for invite happy gameing
Need 2 for trials 310 or higher be good gt same
Need 2 for trials 310 or higher be good gt same