Hey guys! I know how much of a struggle it is to find a raiding team so I set this up.
Just comment down below your:
Just incase anyone wants help I have:
Titan: lvl 34
Hunter: lvl 31
Warlock: lvl 34
Clan: Nope
I no longer play destiny so please do not message me and ask for my help. Please don't message me asking for help as the message will be instantly deleted.
The reason I do not play destiny is because I don't have taken King. I'm not asking this of anyone but if you do have a spare TTK code lying around then I will be eternally grateful if you gave that to me. I am not asking anyone to buy me a TTK code so please don't for me. However if you do feel like giving a spare code away then I will be very happy if you gave it to me.
Well nothing more to say other than
Go and Wreck some Darkness Face!
Need 2 310+ for NF Gt above
Hard oryx !want 2 315+ w mic only!t0m AND spindle required no exceptions! Will be doing challenge!no squeakers,serious gamers only!If you don't know all aspects of raid ( plate positions,where Knights spawn,runner,gaze holder,or if this is your first few tries at hard ,do not reply. I will be kicking people who I have to explain how to stay alive,you should know all strats! Message gt RainDancer1992 for invite!..if you have to leave or do something within next 1hr don't reply
Need 4 for fresh hard Kings Fall. Please be at least 305. Msg Squidkid1205 for invite
Hard golgoroth challenge. Doing challenge. Know what to do. 310+ light. Message for inv.
Need 5 310+ for GOLGOROTH CHALLENGE HARD. Msg for inv
318 Hunter helping 309 with normal Crota checkpoint. Gt same
Kf hard.warpreist cp. Need 4. Message gildedhero 1 for inv
One for fresh Kings fall on hard
Normal Gogoroth cp 296+ doing challenge MUST KNOW HOW TO DO MESSAGE ScaryFawn410032
Need 3 for VoG. No time to explain. Gt above 4 inv
Hard fresh raid. Know what to do. doing challenge. 310+ light. Message for inv.
Kings fall raid HARD ORYX CHECKPOINT message novatech1 for inv!!!! 315+ Know how to do it Dont be a noob/Squeeker Need 1 more!!!
King's Fall Raid! "Xbox 360" * Need 1 more * Hard * Fresh Raid * 310+ Light Level * Must have experience and know what your doing * Microphone required Message for invite Gamertag: Chrystal0001
need 2 for nf msg same as above
Kf hard.warpreist cp. Need 4. Message gildedhero 1 for inv
KF HARD daughters CP im a 317 hunter with raid ship i can and will run relic for oryx and i have a ToM and Spindle -must be 310+ -must have mic -must be older then 13 Im looking for a calm mature raid group that will give this a couple of trys GT same message for inv
Hosting kf hard daughters plz be 310 and know what to do gt same as above need 1
Kings fall raid **Hard mode** 310+ Doing golgoroth challenge (must know what to do) Fresh start GT above^^ Need 4 people
Need 2 for hard oryx cp 310+ msg me for inv
318 Titan looking for two guardians Fresh [b]HARD MODE[/b] 315+ Must have ToM and/or blackspindle [b]Must Have Experience[/b] Must have golgoroth emblem [b]We Will Be Doing The Challenge[/b] [b]I Want To Get Done Quickly[/b] Gt: Wallynut23 [b]Xbox360[/b]
Hard daughters cp 310+ msg me for inv RastaxBot
Looking to join a fresh hard Oryx's will be on my Hunter lvl 317. Message InevitabilisSin on 360 to invite I'm not a child!!!!
318 Titan looking for five guardians Fresh [b]HARD MODE[/b] 315+ Must have ToM and/or blackspindle [b]Must Have Experience[/b] Must have golgoroth emblem [b]We Will Be Doing The Challenge[/b] [b]I Want To Get Done Quickly[/b] Gt: Wallynut23 [b]Xbox360[/b]
Need 1 for Golgoroth Challenge know what to do and please be above 310+ light gt same msg for inv
Hard daughters need 1 310+ GT: System Saiyan
KF HARD im a 317 hunter with the raid ship i know what im doing and im not some annoying 8 year old - must be 310+ -must have patience -must be able to communicate We are starting fresh and need 5 GT same message for inv