Hey guys! I know how much of a struggle it is to find a raiding team so I set this up.
Just comment down below your:
Just incase anyone wants help I have:
Titan: lvl 34
Hunter: lvl 31
Warlock: lvl 34
Clan: Nope
I no longer play destiny so please do not message me and ask for my help. Please don't message me asking for help as the message will be instantly deleted.
The reason I do not play destiny is because I don't have taken King. I'm not asking this of anyone but if you do have a spare TTK code lying around then I will be eternally grateful if you gave that to me. I am not asking anyone to buy me a TTK code so please don't for me. However if you do feel like giving a spare code away then I will be very happy if you gave it to me.
Well nothing more to say other than
Go and Wreck some Darkness Face!
Looking for a team to do hard oryx challenge I am a 316 titan with 315 touch msg GT SFK RED DYNASTY if you have a spot open
Need people for normal kings fall fresh start. Helping out a friend with not to much experience so please be patient. 290+ message gamer tag above for invite.
Need 2 more for golgorith on normal msg chief8901 for an invite (290+)
Need a team for hard Oryx, will be doing challenge mode. I'm a 318 warlock with a 319 touch of malice. Message DHG HOMESKILLET for an invite
Need 5 for fresh normal run doing challenge gt is cayowez
Trials be 310+ need 2
Need 2 for Oryx hard. Have malice and know how to do the challenge and ur good. Gt same
Need 1 for trials to get to 7 if not flawless and complete bounties just hold your own gt same as above
Any fancy doing VOG normal ? I'm 315 but showing a mate that's just bought the game the ropes. Message v IDuReX II for invite :)
Need 5 for Daughters and Oryx cp. Please have malice and know what ur doing and we'll have fun. Gt same message me
Need 1 Hard warpreist Cp Xbox360 Be 309+ Message for inv
Need four (two titans)oryx cp will do challenge 310+ ONLY, message vCrystals for invite
War priest hard. 309 +. Same gt for invite
Looking for three warlocks to do the raid Challenge Mode hard message gt AnD texas
Hosting a fresh kingsfall run on HARD (or from totems if I find someone with a cp). Need 5. You must meet the below: •Know what you are doing for every cp.(including challenge mode oryx) •You must be 314 light or higher. Message me for an invite. Gt: FaZe ThE CloWN
War priest hard. 309 +. Same gt.
War priest hard. 309 +. Same gt.
Need 2 for orix hard cp doing challenge mode!! 316+ with mic and experince!! Gt same as above!!
Need 2 for nf
Need 1 310+ warlock MSG BENFIELDBUNCH for flawless mess up and we boot you
Fresh raid hard mic and exp
Need Experienced players for trials flawless must have good weapons and a k/d of atleast a 1.3 gt same as above
Need 1 310+ warlock MSG BENFIELDBUNCH for flawless mess up and we boot you
Need 1 310+ warlock MSG BENFIELDBUNCH for flawless mess up and we boot you
need 2 players to do oryx hard challenge must be 310+ know what there doing
Titan 302 looking to join anybody on oryx normal I k ow what to do invite Pablo got guapo