Hey guys! I know how much of a struggle it is to find a raiding team so I set this up.
Just comment down below your:
Just incase anyone wants help I have:
Titan: lvl 34
Hunter: lvl 31
Warlock: lvl 34
Clan: Nope
I no longer play destiny so please do not message me and ask for my help. Please don't message me asking for help as the message will be instantly deleted.
The reason I do not play destiny is because I don't have taken King. I'm not asking this of anyone but if you do have a spare TTK code lying around then I will be eternally grateful if you gave that to me. I am not asking anyone to buy me a TTK code so please don't for me. However if you do feel like giving a spare code away then I will be very happy if you gave it to me.
Well nothing more to say other than
Go and Wreck some Darkness Face!
need one for golgoroth 315+ we r doing challenge mod
need one for golgoroth 315+ we r doing challenge mod
Looking for 3 more fresh hard mode kf with golg challenge. 315 light lvl
need one for golgoroth 315+ we r doing challenge mod
Need 1 for golgoroth hard mode challenge know what needs to be done 310+ GT above
Normal Oryx cp msg: Legod James23 for inv need 5
360 I need 2 people for King Fall HardRaid On golgoroth ●must have experience must have a mic! ●●Light level at least 305 ●●●no squeakers no Kinect Message me on here or xbox GT QueenCoolj336 BTW Im not a Squeaker IM a female ..,JS
360 I need 2 people for King Fall HardRaid On golgoroth ●must have experience must have a mic! ●●Light level at least 305 ●●●no squeakers no Kinect Message me on here or xbox GT QueenCoolj336 BTW Im not a Squeaker IM a female ..,JS
need 2 for hard oryx cp gt same as above 311+
Need 5 for King's Fall Hard fresh run w/ Golgorath challenge must know what to do 310+ msg me for inv gt: same as above
Need 3 305+ for KF normal fresh. we have a 308, 314 with touch of malice, and black spindle, and 300. Msg EL1T3GUARDIAN16 on x360 for invite.
Need 4 to do hard oryx cp be 310+ and be experienced GT is the same
Need team for Iron Banner...be good at crucible and actually go for capture points....310+ light and a mic...msg GritzNGravy420 for invite
KF Hard fresh, need 3 light 315+ msg Armed Spawn inv.
I'm a 314 hunter looking to do the Oryx on hard. If you have ever a team msg me gt is same as above.
315+ hardmode kings fall message gt above for invite
315+ hardmode kings fall message gt above for invite
Need two more - Daughters CP HM 310+ - MIC - TOM - Experienced Msg for invite xxKAIZARxx
Need five more - Daughters CP HM 310+ - MIC - TOM - Experienced Msg for invite xxKAIZARxx
Need 5 players 310+ light for hard mode raid. Must know how to do golgoroth challenge!!! I have golgoroth CP. GT above.
Need 4 kings fall hard daughters cp must know what ur doing must have mic 310+ msg in game gt theSLAu9htER
Need two for nightfall 295+ light gt AlphaFire106
Doing hard kings fall from the beginning. (Unless I find someone with a totem cp) You must meet the following requirements: •Be 312+ light •Have experience with all cps •Have a good high impact sniper •Have an idea of what to do for golgoroth challenge mode. Idk how everyone will be doing it but I will be using a super easy form of the one orb strat. Just listen and you will catch on. Message me for an invite. Gt: FaZe ThE CloWN
Need 1 [u][b]HARD TOTEMS CP[/b][/u] HARD MUST BE [u][b]310[/b][/u]+ experienced Message on [b][u]360[/u][/b] First O in poison is a [b][u]zero[/u][/b]
Nightfall need 2
Hard kf mic required fresh 309+ only Gt same