Hey guys! I know how much of a struggle it is to find a raiding team so I set this up.
Just comment down below your:
Just incase anyone wants help I have:
Titan: lvl 34
Hunter: lvl 31
Warlock: lvl 34
Clan: Nope
I no longer play destiny so please do not message me and ask for my help. Please don't message me asking for help as the message will be instantly deleted.
The reason I do not play destiny is because I don't have taken King. I'm not asking this of anyone but if you do have a spare TTK code lying around then I will be eternally grateful if you gave that to me. I am not asking anyone to buy me a TTK code so please don't for me. However if you do feel like giving a spare code away then I will be very happy if you gave it to me.
Well nothing more to say other than
Go and Wreck some Darkness Face!
Need 4 kings fall raid HARD totems. Must have mic Must know what to do. Xbox 360 Message me Scotty 249 for invite
Does anyone have cp on war priest and know how to get the chest in the maze because I need the fragment for touch of malice
Need 2 more @ oryx cp normal mode
need 2 for gogeroth hard must have mic
Need 3 people to do fresh kingsfall raid on hard must be 310+ light level, messages me if u want to join and we will be attempting the golgoroth challenge
Need 2 310+ for KF hard daughters CP. we have 313, 317, 315, 311. Msg EL1T3GUARDIAN16 on x360 for invite.
[b][i][u]Rile52[/u][/i][/b]:Need 1 315+ for Hars Golgroth challenge mode msg [b][i][u]Rile52[/u][/i][/b] for inv
Fresh kings fall raid on normal. Need 4 more. Msg GT above for an invite
Need 4 for KF HM Oryx Cp we are doing the 16 blight strat must be experienced must be 315+ with a malice GT: AvenguRsTheGawd
Need 3 310+ for KF hard daughters CP. Msg EL1T3GUARDIAN16 on x360 for invite.
Xbox 360 KINGS FALL normal daughters checkpoint I have 300+ and know what to do for daughters by not ORYX need 2 message for invite gt same as above
Looking for: [b]A TEAM THAT NEEDS ONE PERSON FOR HARD ORYX[/b] XBOX 360. 315 Titan GT: Tonylee3
Looking for fresh Kings fall normal Light lv 302 titan Gt: Intri Kid
Hard Golgoroth CP Challenge Mode The Requirements Are MUST - Be 315+⬜ MUST - Know What To Do⬜ MUST - Be Mature⬜ MUST - Have (BS)⬜ MUST - Have Experience ⬜ MUST - Follow The⬜ Requirements⬜ GT Zhalo Does
Lookimg for fresh hard kings fall raid Have tom, bs, and a mic Gt is ssgss tien
Daughters hard cp, need 2. 315+. Gt is captainMysterio
Need 1 for Nightfall GT: AndriuLeonz
Need 5 for Oryx checkpoint on normal must be experienced message Schoolery for invite
need one for golgoroth hard cp challenge. 312+ black spindle + mic required. msg for inv.
314 warlock looking to do fresh hard raid please have a mic and experience gt same
314 Titan looking to do a hard oryx cp. same GT as above
Need 1 310+ for sisters. Be good.
warpriest CP need 1 300 message: F1RE MIXTAPE
314 warlock looking to do fresh hard raid please have a mic and experience gt same
Need 4 more people to help a new guardian do vog and crota Message for invite at Knight Epyx
Hard oryx need 4 315+