Hey guys! I know how much of a struggle it is to find a raiding team so I set this up.
Just comment down below your:
Just incase anyone wants help I have:
Titan: lvl 34
Hunter: lvl 31
Warlock: lvl 34
Clan: Nope
I no longer play destiny so please do not message me and ask for my help. Please don't message me asking for help as the message will be instantly deleted.
The reason I do not play destiny is because I don't have taken King. I'm not asking this of anyone but if you do have a spare TTK code lying around then I will be eternally grateful if you gave that to me. I am not asking anyone to buy me a TTK code so please don't for me. However if you do feel like giving a spare code away then I will be very happy if you gave it to me.
Well nothing more to say other than
Go and Wreck some Darkness Face!
Need 1 for trials. 300+ must have a mic. Message on xbox 360
Need 1 for kings fall raid hard. Totem check point. Message for invite. Gamer tag stephen15555555
Need 4 312+ for Hard KF Oryx Must Have a Mic Must have Beaten Oryx multiple times Gt Above
Need 5 for hard oryx cp Must be 312+ Must have either malice or spindle Must know how to defeat oryx Doing 16 orb strategy Repetitive failures will get you kicked Message: james42069 for invite with class and level
Need 1 for KF Normal Fresh 300+ MSG with light level and character type.
[quote]Trials need 2 players be good and must be able to hold your own shit cuz boi we gonna go flawless so Hmu same gt[/quote]
I have a HM Oryx Cp, need 5. 312+ light lvl. Must know what you're doing, not trying to spend all night whipping. Using a 317 Hunter, so plz no low light lvl's. If you do not have the HM achievement you will not be invited. Mic is a must, msg for inv. Gt is the same.
Need 2 for nightfall. Message bearcat2614 for invite.
Hard totems cp 310+ GT: System Saiyan
Need 1 for nf 280+ gt same as here
Need 3 for normal oryx cp. 295+ know what you're doing. Message ironmanswagg98 for inv
Need 1 for trials
Need 3 kf hard fresh 315+ doing normal start or 8 orb on oryx gt same know what to do
Vault of glass normal tell me if you have check. No requirements just be chill msg gt above for invite
guys plz go to this gt ivehx and spam him with mean or wierd messeges im trying to prank my friend plz tnx
Fresh hard kingsfall 310+ GT: System Saiyan
Need 5 for normal raid at daughters need to be 300 an up an need to be experienced message gt: GOOEY KILLS FUB
Looking for one for trials on second character doing bounties
Need 1 for trials. 300+ must have a mic. Message on xbox 360
Fresh hard kingsfall 310+ GT: System Saiyan
Kings fall, normal oryx checkpoint. Need 3. Experienced players only. Mic required, no kids. Gamertag same above.
Need 3 for Oryx CP normal. Message me for inv.
Need 2 for trials. 300+ must have a mic. Message on xbox 360
318 warlock looking for warpriest hardmode
Need 3 for normal daughter cp. 295+ know what you're doing. Message ironmanswagg98 for inv
Need 5 for oryx cp on normal. Must be 295 + and must know what to do. Gt is same as above.