Hey guys! I know how much of a struggle it is to find a raiding team so I set this up.
Just comment down below your:
Just incase anyone wants help I have:
Titan: lvl 34
Hunter: lvl 31
Warlock: lvl 34
Clan: Nope
I no longer play destiny so please do not message me and ask for my help. Please don't message me asking for help as the message will be instantly deleted.
The reason I do not play destiny is because I don't have taken King. I'm not asking this of anyone but if you do have a spare TTK code lying around then I will be eternally grateful if you gave that to me. I am not asking anyone to buy me a TTK code so please don't for me. However if you do feel like giving a spare code away then I will be very happy if you gave it to me.
Well nothing more to say other than
Go and Wreck some Darkness Face!
Black spindle need 2 I almost solo had two more shots left but time ran out. So you dnt have to be an awesome player. Just could use a lil help.
Kings fall Hard mode Fresh start need 2 guardians Must be experienced and know the warpriest challenge 310+ Message GanjaKilla420 x For a inv
319 Hunter doing fresh hard mode kings fall with challenge mode. Msg QbanLynx187 4 inv.
Totems cp hard need 1 titan doing challenge...im a 318 hunter with spindle and ToM. ..msg gt same as above for inv
Totems cp hard need 1 titan doing challenge...im a 318 hunter with spindle and ToM. ..msg gt same as above for inv
Need 2 for trials u must have gone flawless before and have a kd of 1.2 no kids have a mic gt same as above
Kings fall Hard mode Fresh start need 2 guardians Must be experienced and know the warpriest challenge 310+ Message GanjaKilla420 x or DankBBox For a inv
Totems cp hard need 5 doing challenge...im a 318 hunter with spindle and ToM. ..msg gt same as above for inv
Totems cp hard need 5 doing challenge...im a 318 hunter with spindle and ToM. ..msg gt same as above for inv
Need 1 more for hard golgarth Must be 310+ Black spindle would be nice Must be good I'm 315 light Titan Msg gamertag above for invite
FRANÇAIS #XBOX360 cherche 1 joueur Français pour le jugement d'osiris on est 2 très bon joueur on va au phare toutes les semaines année 2 On cherche un bon joueur pour aller au phare encore ;) On est guadeloupéens . Envoyé moi votre DEMANDE D'AMI au gamertag : Kalamiter 59
FRANÇAIS #XBOX360 cherche 1 joueur Français pour le jugement d'osiris on est 2 très bon joueur on va au phare toutes les semaines année 2 On cherche un bon joueur pour aller au phare encore ;) On est guadeloupéens . Envoyé moi votre DEMANDE D'AMI au gamertag : Kalamiter 59
Aight, I need 5 experienced players who have beaten the KF raid on HM to do it fresh. Be 314+. Im a 317 hunter. Gt the same
Need 5 for hard golgarth Must be 310+ Black spindle would be nice Must be good I'm 315 light Titan Msg gamertag above for invite
Looking for a 310+ to do black spidle quest
Edited by Sa1yanpr1nc3: 2/5/2016 5:05:02 PM
Need 2 for nightfall gt as above
Need one for totems normal
Fresh hard KF 310+
Kf hard 310+ gt same as above doing challange
Fresh hard kingsfall need 2 310+ have BS and ToM GT: System Saiyan
Fresh hard kingsfall 310+ have BS and ToM GT: System Saiyan
319 titan doing fresh hard mode kings fall with challenge mode. Msg QbanLynx187 4 inv.
Edited by IC0N KILL3R: 2/5/2016 2:33:20 PMNeed three for Kings Fall normal 290+ light required Message me for invite gt same as above
Kings fall totems checkpoint Hard 310+ msg for inv gt same as above must have mic
Need 2 for nightfall Light must be 300+ Must be good Trying to do this quick Msg gamertag above for invite