I have read most of your replies (except the obvious trolls). Clearly not many people agree with me. I confess up front to HATING the current technology, except where it relates to video games. I despise cell phones/ tablets/androids and all the "apps" they spawn. I think they actually have led to a loss of something in our society; let's call it "civility", where people in the same room would have a conversation without pulling phones out every 5 minutes.
So, having stated that I am a cranky, late-40s male who hates phone apps to begin with; here's the original post.
So, look. I know you're very proud of this "app".
But I think you should have thought it through a lot more. Maybe run it by a highly logic-oriented person such as me. Who would point out that it makes NO sense whatsoever, and you shouldn't do it.
There is NO in-game way that a character can get something instantly from the vault in the Tower, when the character is on Mars. Is there? If we had technology that advanced, why aren't we just beaming ourselves to Mars, instead of using dropships?
So how can it happen through a cell phone?
What (now) is the point of the Vault existing at all? Why not just go all the way and make it a shared, in-game storage area that every character can access from the inventory screen? Do away with the pretense that it's in the Tower at all. Because right now, it not only makes no sense, it is actively unfair.
You have effectively disadvantaged players (like me) who A) don't have phones that run "apps" and B) don't choose to keep a computer running at their side when they game, as well as C) wanting to play the game straight, as it was intended! This "app" actively works against players who use foresight and planning, and advantages those who play by the seat of their pants, but own a cell phone!
DeeJ, you have created a cheat system for the Vault!
And now it's too late to take it back, because the 10-year-olds who scream on this forum will cry so loud if you take away a toy you have given them.
Do this- just wait 3 weeks and announce that it's broken down and repairs are underway, and to prevent anyone's items getting lost when being transferred, no-one can use the mobile app. Then never bring it back. It will be like it never happened.
BOTTOM-OF-POST EDIT: Obviously, DeeJ is not going to listen to my rant, if he even reads it. Nor are the devs who put this thing of theirs together. So have no fear for your mobile vault app, it's not going anywhere. This is just me venting about something that makes NO DAMN SENSE to me. A very few people seem to agree with me.
So I am going to just ignore the mobile whatever-it-is, and you kids carry on with what you were doing before you read this.
I stopped shortly after "highly logic oriented". Y U so full of fallacy?