We are Grumpy Old Men.
Grumpy by choice, Men by Divine Grace (and the genetic lottery), Old simply because we are wise beyond our years (or aged beyond our wisdom).
We like to have fun. We don't have squeaky voices. We have jobs, families (and dogs), yet manage to get away from all of that for some quality gaming. There's even the potential of brazenly drunken sing-a-longs.
We help out when needed, mock when appropriate, curse to all seven hells when our reflexes betray our purported youth.
And, apparently, we are Legion, yet not all of YOU have joined the fray, i.e. Clan.
I would like for you to change that.
Right now, we are mostly a European Clan, which, sadly, often leaves some of our Transatlantic Members unable to join in on our raucous activities (which is the new PC and socially acceptable term for shooting stuff) due to the vagaries of time zones.
So we are actively looking for members from the Americas, North, South, hell, even Canada!
Help us, all you English speaking Grumpy Old Men in the Americas. You're our only hope.
[url=http://grumpy-old-men.enjin.com/login/do/register]JOIN NOW![/url]
We're growing. And not just in girth! So come on. Nothing worse than being grumpy and old all by your lonesome :)