Runs through door* sorry I'm late, I overslept
no worryes. no take the shortsword for practice
Thanks, actually can I have another? I'm a dual wielder
A rougue (gets slightly angry) I am teaching the art of CHivalry not the art of backstabing someone when they just stoped a spear form impaling you
A warrior can be a dual wielder, I prefer to have 2 swords so I can put more pressure on my opponents when I'm fighting then, I actually have many combat styles
(slightly angry hands over another sword) ill have my eyes onyuo, rougue
Thank you * proceeds to spar with training robot
*Peeks in watching the class practice*
(master ball) no peeking only learning!
*Masterball fails and breaks* jerk How would you feel if I did that to you
its conmfy in there. pokeballs are desinged to have all the needs are desires of its prisioner so yeah. i do capture myself every so often
Ya you obviously not been in one when toe chosen to battle it's cruel one sec your eating and warm next thing you know you dirty cold and wet [spoiler]being wet doesn't effect me but others[/spoiler] and your foods cold to
(takes out compact microwave)
There's a microwave in there ¿
at least on my Pokeball. theres also a bar. videogames a bed drugs. but my *trainer* well she. nevermind
I probably don't want to know
yeah i dont wanna remmeber either
Well back to my blueprints *sneaks away
*enters* do I get a backpack?
ya (hands over equiped backpack) now come with me ill teahc you hand to hand
verywell first perform quick punches on the lower torso. then focus the head remember to keep your defense know train. (puncher robot enter) GO
*punches head and torso quickly but not strong enough*
ok now you wanna stay away from your oponents range so when you want to strike from a distance turn you whole body to egt more range on hte attack
Ok *does what's told* I did it!