Digital ninja, may i start a dragon flying class to teach people about those dragons i gave you? It seems they have hatched. Also i would like to pass on my magyk knowledge.
Oh and i was czanman i just changed my name.
That would be awesome. How do I fly it? [spoiler]and plz tell me I can use my bow while flying it and not just magic...[/spoiler]
There are 2 dragons avaible which do you want? (There is a red or black scale one)
I'll take the black one. So how do I fly it?
No flying yet the black one is not old enough so lets start with his name. What will you name him.
Hmmmm. I like the name Alduin. Goes with the spikes. [spoiler]and yes this is now an origin story of SKYRIM.[/spoiler]
Cool. Also for him to be loyal to you, cut your finger and let him drink your blood
*takes out dagger and cuts index finger. Then setting it to Alduins lips.*
Alright, now bring him to your room. Make sure he eats and drinks enough. In aproximately 4 irl days he will be big enoigh to where i can teach you how to fly him.
Cool! I'll see you then! *walks with his dragon into the sunset*
*You see me flying off with my dragon then all the baby dragons riding on my dragons tail*
"So cool."
No i want to have the only blakc scaled one :(
Well there are 5 dragons 2 black scaled ones 2 red scaled ones then 1 white scaled one. Then there is my dragon. She has ceal scales. Oh and there are only 2 available because the others are still nursing.
Ik but my dragon that i am hatching myself is black
Sithis what do you think a dragon that will be approximatly the size of a mountain like more Lenny or human?
I feed my dragon lenny sooooooooo ya
Sure. We have a lot of classes already, so try to talk with the others and schedule a time for it.
Ill just find a time. Also how are the baby dragons doing?
Dragons, (resisting ) must control instinct to. (draws greatsword) KILL DRAGONS!!!!! (charges)
*Catches you with magyk and starts setting you on fire*. No killing dragons that were offspring of my dragon. *my dragon blue fyre comes into veiw*
(ingores flames) i am blessed by the sun fire cannot harm mr. now where was i a yeah. most obtain the fus roh dah
*i already flew away so goodbye* *oh and i my dragon dy i will simply blow up the world with magyk at the cost of my own life*
I am the LAst tempalr crusader. I am the only one to ever stand a chance againt ultimate robber GoD form