I know you can acquire a ton of engrams and Rare equipment from running Roc strikes, but how many of y'all have received legendary or even exotic drops?
A blue chest engram
I just got Suros Regime earlier. Not the best drop though. I think the best drop for me was the Hawkmoon.
Suros Regime
hard light
I got a Mida Multi took a few weeks back. Personally no use to me but is defo the best drop I've had rarity wise
Got hawkmoon one Sunday morning a few weeks ago. I was a pre-order customer that's always run roc strikes and I've never gotten an exotic. I still think to this day there is a trigger to how you can get a legendary engram or a higher chance for an exotic (higher in the context of the chance the other two players have). I did level up my vanguard after a roc strike and got 3 legendary engrams that gave me 2 exotics but that's only happened once between 3 players and multiple vanguard levels. Oh and speaking of the method to get higher rewards, I also think a lot of the higher level players know the secret but don't share cause every time I get into a roc strike with 32s they are taking the exact same approach and the chances of it being a coincidence are way too low.
mine hardlightand reddeath at same time
I got my first exotic drop the other night... No Land Beyond
TLW and universal remote
Got TLW and Plan C
Mida earlier. Almost screamed
Only gotten plan c and a universal remote from ROC strikes so whichever you think is better...
Hard Light
I've gotten a plan c, 2 hawkmoons, a nlb, and an icebreaker. Not too bad
Most I've gotten is Patience and Time, which I already had. Did save me an Exotic Shard though, since all I had was the old version.
I got Mida. Not used it yet
I got HardLight. That's the only exotic I've gotten and is probably my most used. I love it.
My second hard light and second icebreakers both came from Rocs
Got another universal remote yesterday. Figures it'd come after I buy one from xur
I got Hawkmoon from a ROC strike. I'll never be that lucky again.
No land beyond, better than nothing I guess
Lol got universal remote......kinda mad but oh well
Gally from a legendary engram