I know you can acquire a ton of engrams and Rare equipment from running Roc strikes, but how many of y'all have received legendary or even exotic drops?
Suros regime yeserday. ^_^
I dropped into a roc strike about 10 seconds before valus died. Got Suros. I could tell the other players were pissed due to the stabbing me in the face. They were probably slightly more so when it popped up i'd found an exotic shard
Suros Regime. Which is well it's just sad.
Got gally out of tiger strike pre dlc
My friend got hard light the best drop I got is universal remote
My friend got a red death last night
Legendary engrams which end up becoming shard and energy That and ships
Universal remote and plan c
Mida multi tool
I got the Monte Carlo from a roc strike once.
Roc strikes: Suros Mida multi tool The last word Incentive Nightfall: Gally
I got an exotic engram
I've never had anything better than blue engrams drop from ROC. That's why I quit doing them.
Done about 500 strikes and have gotten 2 Exotics and 10-20 legendaries (not counting ships)
Got a question for you guys: has anyone every got a Red Death from a ROC strike? I wonder if it is possible...
I got a Gally from a skirmish match and I've only done like 10 skirmish matches
Plan C, Monte Carlo, Patience and Time.
Hard light
Heavy legendary engram turned into Gjallarhorn last week.
Hawkmoon and Hardlight
I got a legendary Engram from my 2nd Roc Strike. It had the Claws of Ahamkara in it.
The Last word, actually my BEST drop? blue engram
Mida Multitool
I havent received anything other than Legenday engrams. But my Son has had Plan C, and No Land Beyond drop.