Update:[b][u] You no longer need to post here. I have the data I need[/u][/b].
Hey everyone. Thanks for sending me your info. I believe I have all the data I could ever need for this investigation. In the interest of not making promises I can't keep, I do not give out fix or bug statuses, nor do I give out fix ETAs.
[b]Remember:[/b] Posting offtopic or inflammatory comments in this thread will result in your ungraceful exit from the thread. Play nice.
I got the darkness 3 ghost 3 months after the game came out, but it was on the console in the room upstairs with the wizard. When the first major update happened it was in the dark room were it was suppose to be. I got the ghost but not the card. I have shown other People were the ghost is and they have gotten the card. The other cards I haven't gotten is Mercury & Seage Dancers. If you can help me out I would appreciate it.