The smartphone market is dominated by apple and android, therefore is logical that these operating systems get priority over others. still many people also use windows phone and we should not be ignored!
The new feature where you can access the vault via the companion app is amazing! However I cannot do it on my samsung ativ S because the app is not available in the windows store. I think this is a shame.
There is a really great unofficial destiny app on windows phone (I think it is called destiny stats), but you cannot access your vault through this app because bungie prevents 3rd party apps from doing so.
I think bungie should either support the independent developer that made the wp app to make accessing the vault possible, or they should launch the official companion app on windows phone!
tell me if you agree
+1 from my Lumia 830 Bungie, please contact Rudy Huyn ( [url][/url] or [url][/url] ), he would make a killer Companion app for windows / windows Phone.
Use your browser.
need some WP love here too!!!
Bump and liking to support this
Love this game but am frustrated with the new app not being released on the windows phone. I feel like a second class user when other guardians are transferring weps, ammo etc. during raid runs when I cannot.
Bump if you are a windows phone user!
100% in support of this. Show us WP Guardians some love please Bungie.
I have never had a windows phone that wasn't buggy as hell. Don't buy windows phones.
I have an iPhone , but il bump to that
Windows phone is an excellent mobile OS. Needs some love for sure.
windows app please i have a nokia windows phone where is our app come on bungie put one in the windows store also for windows 8.1
I love the windows phone, so much better than the other two imo. I'm not a big garbage app user, so the lack of apps doesn't bother me much as most of them are garbage anyways. Though I'd like some more of the better ones no doubt). I went from the 928 to the Galaxy S5 and totally regret it and I can't wait to go back to the windows phone. I hope they start getting some updates to WP much quicker than they do.
I have android an I bump
I have android and support this :)
UPDATE: Bungie's heard your requests... and they're bringing it to the Zune with the next update!
you guys should have the ability to do that from your browser seeing as your running a windows o.s. windows phones are stripped versions of windows 8 and you should be able to do everything from your browser.
I know this may seem like a crazy idea, but I think they should bring the vault management to Destiny. Just hear me out before dismissing me as a crazy person. What if you could easily access your inventory on all your characters and switch gear all from inside the game, no need to set down the controller? Seems like it would save a lot of time. Actually, now that I read that, I think I am crazy. Bungie is way more forward thinking by taking basic things like the story and user interface and putting them on an external web site completely separate from the game.
Don't blame bungie. Blame MS for having a crap app store for windows phones. I remember I needed a 3rd party IG app because the official one was crap
I bump this as an Android user. But at the sametime, and note I haven't tried this...but are you able to access the full Bungie website from your Browser? If so, you would still be able to do mobile vault management.
My two friends switched to a Nokia 1020 beautiful phone, and I really enjoy how the Windows processor works on the phone. They both switch from Iphones. Yet they have to use Third party Apps for everything since they only make apps for the two large companies. Ie Apple, Android. Spreading the love would be nice and not a big thing to ask for.
I love the win phone. Wish it had more market share... But, it doesn't. So I also have an iPad.
[quote]The smartphone market is dominated by apple and android, therefore is logical that these operating systems get priority over others. still many people also use windows phone and we should not be ignored! The new feature where you can access the vault via the companion app is amazing! However I cannot do it on my samsung ativ S because the app is not available in the windows store. I think this is a shame. There is a really great unofficial destiny app on windows phone (I think it is called destiny stats), but you cannot access your vault through this app because bungie prevents 3rd party apps from doing so. I think bungie should either support the independent developer that made the wp app to make accessing the vault possible, or they should launch the official companion app on windows phone! tell me if you agree[/quote] I feel Bungie should make a companion app for the Blackberry, or the Sidekick, as well. 1% of smart phone users still use outdated, worthless phones, why ignore them?
I agree that the app should come to windows too but you can just use your phone to access and do it through the website. Easy work around.
As a mobile developer I sincerely hope that Microsoft one day swaps places with Apple.