It's really annoying to have to wait for people to get on to form a group for Raids, Nightfalls and Heroic strikes, especially since we can't go to a public area like the Tower and recruit due to the voice chat restrictions imposed in the game. Not to mention it's hard to find people of the right level as well. Matchmaking would make this so much easier and make getting gear and leveling it less of a hassle.
The Matchmaking could look for players of similar level to match you with to make sure you're not going in with anyone too low to survive, as well as balance the group by diversifying the classes, bringing in 2 of each class for raids (2 titan, 2 warlock, 2 hunter) and one of each for the Nightfall and Heroic strikes.
While on the topic of Strikes, it would also behoove the player base if we could finally be able to voice chat with our random fire team members instead of having to form parties through the dashboard (X360 and XB1 versions). This should also be allowed in the Tower as well so those who are looking to form specific groups of people for Raids can do so much easier by simply talking to those around them. Being able to openly communicate with others is a staple of MMOs. Not allowing us to do is counter intuitive towards the game play in Destiny.
Also, we should be able to choose the difficulty of the Raids between normal and hard. The same goes for regular strikes as well. We should be able to play strikes up to level 30 as well as difficulty modifiers for players to challenge themselves. The higher the level and difficulty modifiers, the greater the rewards.
With the addition of PoE, matchmaking should be added for all modes of that activity as well, not just level 28.
If they made it optional I would be fine with it. But it would be terrible if it was forced. I have lost track of the number of times somebody got disconnected during a raid or nightfall and had to join back in. Add in the fact everyone has that incredibly slow friend that is never ready to go, so we occasionally start down one person and they can join once they get it together. We have a solid team, if we want to do crota on hard with four or five people that should be our choice, sometimes a smaller team presents less opportunity for errors.