I like it.
My only problem with taking old guns with you was how to make it a hard choice on what gun to upgrade...having the last boss in the current HM raid drop the item to use as the token is awesome and still makes RNG reward/punish, you still have to grind both for that token and then the current mats.
Thoughts on whether or not you should be able to swap the raid perk(VOG vs Oracles/CE vs Hive Majors...).
I feel you should be able to when you upgrade the gun, but if/when you do you lose the old perk and only by using same upgrade token can you change it back(just the perk, damage would not matter due to dmg caps vs levels).
Edited by Fromage of Havoc: 3/3/2015 4:10:40 AM[quote]Thoughts on whether or not you should be able to swap the raid perk(VOG vs Oracles/CE vs Hive Majors...).[/quote] This is actually a key element I didn't take into consideration. I'm not sure whether this should be possible, how it should be possible, or if the perk would be lost altogether. Say, on one hand, if you keep the old perk (because nothing else is provided to you), it might make the old content, in this case VoG, easier, but it is old content. If you're forced to receive the new perk related to the DLC, in this case Hive Disruptor, you might bring it up to the current content altogether, including raiding, but you might also nullify the need or want to hang on to certain raid weapons with raid specific perk. There are also two other options: lose raid perks altogether, or have it be replaced by non-raid perks determined by Bungie. This way, you're bringing old content to the current date, still keeping raid weapons relevant if for the perks on said raid, but you may break some balance on pvp with those weapons if it's a generic perk replacement (maybe?). I'm not sure if or how they'd be selected as a choice though, what would be your approach on it?
Not sure a generic perk would work...I still like the raid weapons for the raids(I use VoC pretty much all the way in VOG, but like my Crypt Dweller with Firefly/Explosive Rounds for CE). I'd probably say allow the option at upgrade to change the perk and then you either have to A) Waste a major upgrade material to change it back or B) Carry a second gun (upgraded or not), but B also would only really matter as long as "old" content stays relevant in some way. Right now VoG is still used for gearing to a degree(armor not so much but ppl love those guns...I'm looking at you Fatebringer), but once we move farther away, then those guns are going to fall off the scale(unless upgrades are put in)...if they put a weapon upgrade system in place, then old content is not as useless...guns can be upgraded so people will still run things like VoG even when the gun caps at 300(before upgrade) but even using that HoW dmg, VoG and CE will cap the dmg based on level. This would also help to keep older content in the loop...just because day 1 players may be sick of things like VoG, don't mean everyone is...and over time new blood will also be apart of the game, so having a reason to do the old raids is always nice. Gotta admit, I hope Bungie gets this part right, I don't mind the loss of old items when new content comes along(10 year WoW player), but I do like some of my guns I have, and not having to see them get dismantled would be awesome. They need to look at doing something with armor as well...maybe a simple transmorg idea to change your look(or do an upgrade to old gear as well maybe...)
Pretty sound suggestion. I agree with transmorg, a lot of games have it these days, and I also find artillery in FPS to hold more variety and importance for a given level/tier than weapons on MMORPGs, so if they did something to this degree it would really add to the game.