No you're grounded go back to your room *picks up head*
I am not cause i am a grown guy!!!!!!!! (decapitates) WULULULUL (staarts running in circles)
bitch you can't kill me
I mght not be able but he can. (takes a stema wallet throws it at you) you are now doomed (gets behind cover) (sudenly LOrd GAben comes and Bans you as he destroys all of yor *origin games* and taking the wallet before leaving to work on HL3)
Haha my dad works at activision and has all the power in the world scrub
you asked for it I SUMMON THE FIRST MLG (dubstep music enters) a fat guy appears out of knowhere and xXxXx360Mlgdickscopes420xxXxblazesxXxXx your anus. with his akimbo explosive interventions!
Calls first MLG guy *enters room*
THe two MLGs. you frkn wut M8 wut bro wannah me to balze yo croch nahah i will knife you b4 you could even knfie me you fgt
NoScopes you