Just chcking in for the torunament.
In order to not kill the oponent ill su this unhsarped greatsword.
I will use my shotgun shield (with rubber rounds)
My light armor (only body vest helemt and groin plate)
as for aditional abilites.
I will use my Phatom step (basicly short teleport)
Chain granade (a solar bolla granade)
Thermal googles
and a Hand cannon (with stun rounds)
You're cleared. Everything checks out.
Oh one last thing Can i use my sign move.? or is it too overkill
What does your move do?
well. impaling then throw to orbit while impaled then i pnch you backt o the planet grab another planet and hit the handle fo the sword making the blade go throght you liek batter and liekly cruhsing the rest. You can lvie after it (If you call having all of your bones broken a living) I call it. ORBITAL PLANETARY/SOLAR CRUSIFICATION!!!!!
Yeah... That's a bit overkill.. I can't allow that.
i know its hte one i use against hgh armored guys but most of the peopel har are assasins or mages so i barely use it. I should learn a healing speell or ill be outhealed by my oponents. ill aks robber for ths
somehtign tells me i will depr hard on the torunament