List your Nightfall rewards for this week. Feel free to either praise RNGesus and gloat about what you got or vent your greatest frustrations with RNGesus. I haven't done it yet, but I'll let you know what I get once I do.
EDIT: Did the Nightfall, and I got Thunderlord! PRAISE BE TO RNGESUS!!!!
EDIT 2: Lots of people getting Gally I see. RNGesus is being awfully kind this week. On the other hand, I see more people getting crap weapons or crap perks or shards.
Crap, crap, oh and more crap.
Only done two so far. Got the Future War Cult sniper rifle and my third Hard Light. Then I did Crota's End and got Gjallerhorn from Deathsinger and ANOTHER HARD LIGHT from Crota. TWO IN ONE DAY AND MY FOURTH OVERALL.
For the 8th straight week a lousy legendary on each character! Pile of poop
MUH -blam!-IN GHORN!!!!! Ksjfkskdkakxjcjdkxkdkdkjsjd...... still gotta run it 2 more times
9 strange coins, 11 strange Coins and a second young ahamkara spine
Payback SOS , valedictorian, some other stupid thing i dont remember
Apotheosis veil for the first time which is a plus and a pretty sick vanquisher with counterbalance and field scout
Dragons' Breath (my fifth!) 9 Coins So, meh!
Plug one and 11 strange coins
Skull of dire ahemkara. Really enjoyed this nightfall perfect amount of challenge.
Hunter - energy Warlock - Gjallahorn Titan - tba
Warlock - mida Hunter - lucky raspberry Titan - H.A.W.K.M.O.O.N XD
The Crash. Is that shotty any good?
All praise RNGesus!! He has bestowed upon me with the gift of suros regime.. I shall forever sing of his good deeds.
10 strange coins.
So far Vanquisher and my third Truth. C'mon Gjally or Red Death.
titan: shards hunter: shards warlock: thunderlord
Frickin shards
Warlock: Ascendant Energy Titan: Gjallarhorn Hunter: Plan C
Titan - legendary heavy engram..... Gally!!!! Nope... One way ticket Hunter - 8 energy Warlock - helm Light beyond
1. Solo Titan- 10 strange coins. 2. Solo hunter- 9 ascendant energy. 3. 3-guardian warlock (he's level 29)- TBD.
Helm of saint
The calling Vanquisher vii
Truth on my Warlock The Conduit with alright perks on my Hunter
A pretty decent Up for Anything and The Culling. 4th week of bad rewards (better than my 7 energies streak I've been on). On the other hand I got a second Thunderlord from Crota (shard) and I finally got Monte Carlo from the Gorgon chest. Not a bad day.
7 shards 7 shards Not yet