List your Nightfall rewards for this week. Feel free to either praise RNGesus and gloat about what you got or vent your greatest frustrations with RNGesus. I haven't done it yet, but I'll let you know what I get once I do.
EDIT: Did the Nightfall, and I got Thunderlord! PRAISE BE TO RNGESUS!!!!
EDIT 2: Lots of people getting Gally I see. RNGesus is being awfully kind this week. On the other hand, I see more people getting crap weapons or crap perks or shards.
7 shards 7 shards Not yet
Lucky raspberry(already had it) and here is the fun one the FWC machine gun.......twice. one with my Titan and one aunty Warlock. Lol thank you rngesus
12 coins
Patience and Time (finally) Thunderlord (also finally)
1 Monte Carlo 2 truth 3 truth
We honestly need more nightfall reward threads. :-)
Starfire Protocol and Final Rest II. Also known as an exotic shard and 2 ascendant energies.
Ruin wings
I got the apotheosis veil for my warlock... Needed a helm so happy with that and got vanquisher... So happy I've wanted it for so long also got vex to drop from atheon this past week. Praise rngeeesus this week for he has blessed my drops.
[quote]List your Nightfall rewards for this week. Feel free to either praise RNGesus and gloat about what you got or vent your greatest frustrations with RNGesus. I haven't done it yet, but I'll let you know what I get once I do. EDIT: Did the Nightfall, and I got Thunderlord! PRAISE BE TO RNGESUS!!!![/quote] 1. Another Universal Remote(AKA another shard) 2. Apotheosis Veil(Yes! Yes! Yes!) 3. 50 Heavy ammo synths(AKA 10 strange coins) Not bad...
Energy, vanguard launcher with lousy perks, vanguard shotgun with lousy perks, sadly...
Edited by BringMeTheHarpy: 3/5/2015 2:17:12 AMGhallahorn, Thunderlord and energy. Was super hyped. I then got Suros from the death singer and then black hammer and the red death for taking down Crota. All in 1 morning. Was insane. Update: And I just got the Hawkmoon the next day xD
I got Thunder, I think they increased it's drop rate this week
The Chance The Conduit Crusader I All with crap perks and I already have the weapons themselves.
Hopf Mask of third man The calling with explosive rounds AND firefly NLB from crota so far (normal) and thunderlord from gorgon
2 guys I ran it with both got hawk moon and I got some legendary pistol that wasn't very good :( luckily I got my hawk moon already or I would have cried
Edited by Dog_Of_War_1138: 3/4/2015 4:53:53 AMCongrats on T-Lord, Ian! My rewards- Broken Truth (Dead Orbit sniper rifle) 12 Energies 12 Energies So, I ought to be extra energetic this week. EDIT: And one of my clan mates got his Gjallarhorn, finally, 2 weeks after I did. So he no longer hates me.
1-no crap beyond 2-plan c 3-dragons breathe 4-3 exotic shards
1: coiled hiss (2 energies) 2: Mida 3: Starfire protocol Only thing left to do this week is one more weekly heroic. Recieved: PandT, Thunderlord, Dragons Breath, and Monte Carlo. Not too shabby, first thunderlord, but still ghornless.
Arc rocket launcher. Legendary. Not bad. I don't need it but I won't complain!
Haven't gotten an exotic on any of my characters for 4 weeks. Just shitty legendaries. Fug dis
Got 4th horseman, so nt top bad this week :)
Plan on running it tonight once I get home. I'm going to predict what I'll get and then update this with the real results. Predictions: Character 1: A legendary weapon (probably heavy) Character 2: Ruin wings Character 3: A legendary fusion rifle.
Fourth thunderlord. Prudence sniper.
Well have done one on my Lv 32 titan and only got 8 energy pssh